Application - Hosting

You use the Hosting Application if Genkgo manages your domain name. Hosting includes domain names and e-mail.

The Hosting Application in the Admin is availble to manage your DNS settings and e-mail addresses. You can create and delete e-mail addresses and change passwords. You can also change the DNS settings of a domain name. You can get to the Hosting Application by logging in to the Admin and clicking on ‘Hosting’ in the menu on the left.

In the Hosting Application, you can manage DNS settings and e-mail addresses per active domain name. When you open the Hosting Application, you will see the Hosting tree on the left side. This tree consists of the elements ‘DNS’ and ‘E-mail’. When you click on one of these elements, you can choose for which domain name you want to make settings in the main screen. Most communities have only one domain, but it is possible to have multiple domains.