Match existing Exact data

If your community started using Exact Online before Genkgo software, you already gathered data in Exact Online. Before Genkgo and Exact can exchange information, the existing data in Exact must be matched with the data in the Organization Application. You only need to do this once.

Matching existing data

Genkgo has a special match interface with which you can easily connect profiles. Before you do this, you will have to indicate the location of the data that will be matched with Exact. Indicate this in the field ‘Synchronized folders’.

You can choose folders and (dynamic) groups. If you are not sure which folders or groups to synchronize, follow the steps below.

  1. Print or export the profiles in Exact. Include the relation number or membership number in the export.
  2. Enter the relation/membership numbers in the profiles in the Organization Application. You may have to create an extra field.
  3. Create a dynamic group of all profiles with a relation/membership number.
  4. You now have a group with all profiles that also exist in Exact Online. These are the profiles that need to be matched.
  5. Go to the Exact Online connection interface in the system settings of Genkgo. Enter the name of the dynamic group in the field ‘Synchronized folders’.

The matching table

Now, the profiles from Genkgo Organization can be matched with Exact. To do this, click on ‘Match’ at the top of the screen.

You will now see a list with all profiles from exact that could be matched with Genkgo.

Each Genkgo profile in the list can be matched with an Exact profile. To find the correct Exact profile you can search on name or (client) number.

First, indicate which type of Genkgo field you want to match to which type of Exact field. Usually this will be name or code (client number). Indicate the correct type for both Genkgo and Exact and click on ‘Instellen’.

Now, the profiles can to be matched. Click on ‘zoek’. The system will now try to match each Genkgo profile with an Exact profile. You will then see a list with possible matches. If the match is correct, click on ‘match’. If the match is incorrect, try to change the search query. If it isn’t possible to make a match, the member probably doesn’t have a profile in Exact. You can skip that member. The profile will automatically be added to Exact later on.

After matching the profiles

When all matches are made, please notify us in an e-mail. Genkgo will start the first synchronization. The organization then needs to check this synchronization. Please make sure that you make a back-up in Exact beforehand and not to make any mutations until the synchronization is done.

If the synchronization is incorrect, we will restore the back-up and synchronize again. Once the synchronization is done correctly, we will set up an automatic daily synchronization.