Perform quick searches in Organization via Dashboard

Instead of navigating to the exact location of a profile, you can use the ‘Organization quick search’ function on the dashboard. With this function, you search for the display name of a company or person. In case your community has additional types of objects, such as members or customers, these objects will also appear in the Organization quick search function.

How can I quickly find a person in Genkgo?

  1. Make sure you are on Genkgo Dashboard.
  2. Place your cursor in the Organization quick search field.
  3. Enter the name of the person you are looking for, for example ‘John’.
  4. Press enter or click ‘search’.

You will now see the results. By default, you can see the display name of the person, the parent object from the Organization tree, phone number, and e-mail address. You will be redirected to a persons profile if you click on their name.