Abstracts can only be reviewed and scored on a dedicated page of the website. Reviewers can login there to review the abstracts. The element ‘Reviews’ provides an overview of the progress of the reviews. It contains two tabs: ‘Reviewed’ and ‘Missing reviewes’.
This tab contains the abstracts that have been reviewed. The overview displays the thitle of the abstract, the name of the reviewer and the average score.
Edit and delete reviews
To edit a review, click on behind the review in the overview. You can also delete a review. To do this, click on
. The abstract will be placed back in the tab ‘To be reviewed’.
Missing reviews
This tab contains a list of all abstracts that are yet to be reviewed. The overview displays the total number of abstracts in the list, the reviewers and the title of the abstract.
Send reminders
It is possible to send reminders to reviewers who still have abstracts to review. You can do this by clicking on ‘Send reminder’ in the toolbar. Fill out the following fields:
- Language – The language of the e-mail.
- E-mail sender – The e-mail address from which the e-mail should be sent (this should be an address of a verified domain).
- Name sender – The name of the sender.
- Subject – The subject of the e-mail.
- Send CC to – You can send the e-mail CC to others, for example to other organizers of the event. Separate the addresses with a comma.
- Content – Write the content of the e-mail here.
Click on ‘send’ to send the e-mail. The e-mail will be sent immediately.