Settings: Abstract types
Before starting to work with the Abstract module, you need to make some settings. To do this, go to the general settings of the Events Applciation and click on the tab ‘Abstract types’. The Abstract module allows people to send in their work, which doesn’t necessarily need to be an abstract. In this tab, you can indicate which types of documents may be submitted.
Click on ‘Add’ to add a type. Enter the name of the type, e.g. ‘Case report’. Under ‘Content structure’, you can specify the structure of the content. For example, you can specify the required headings (e.g. introduction, method, results, conclusion). Under ‘Explanation when user submits content’, you can write instructions for submission. These instructions will be displayed during submission of the content.
Click on ‘save’ to save the abstract type. All created types are displayed in the overview of the tab ‘Abstract types’. Abstract types can be deleted by clicking on .