Configure an event

For events with more options, you can now make further settings. All the elements under ‘Configuration’ make it possible to make detailed settings for your event. A description of all the elements is given below:

  • General – General settings, filled in earlier when creating the event and the content on the website and the ticket.
  • Ticket options – These are the tickets people can buy, the different ‘products’ of the event.
  • Groups – Element to create groups based on the information in the Organization. If this is set in ‘Settings’ earlier, these groups will already appear in the overview.
  • Reservation periods – Element in which reservation periods can be created, e.g. ‘Early Bird’.
  • Reservation limits – Here you can indicate how many tickets a group can purchase.
  • Prices – Here you can enter prices for specific ticket options combined with reservation periods.
  • Discount – Here you can set discount codes or combination discounts.
  • Products – Here you can add products from the Webshop Application to the event.
  • Forms – Here you can create forms for extra information from participants.
  • Payment methods – Here you can set different payment methods.
  • E-mail – Here you can set confirmation e-mails and credit e-mails.
  • Cancellation – Here you can set cancellation options for the different ticket options.


Note the following things when configuring the event:

  • Only after a ticket option has been created, the event can be published on the website.
  • Only after reservation periods and groups have been added, (logged in) users can buy tickets or see when tickets will be available.
  • If you are organizing a paid event, the elements 'Prices' and 'Payment methods' have to be filled in as well.