
It is possible to allow users to cancel their tickets. After registering for an event on the website, the person will see a button ‘Cancel’ on the page of the event. If an order consists of multiple tickets, the tickets can be canceled separately.

Add cancellation option

To add the cancellation option, click on ‘Add’ in the element ‘Cancellation’. Under ‘Name’, enter the ticket option for which you want to set up the cancellation option. Under ‘Period’, enter the final cancellation date. After this date, the ticket cannot be canceled anymore.

Under ‘Financial settlement’, indicate whether the person gets a restitution or has to pay additional costs after cancellation. There are three options, at least one of which must be used:

  • Restitution percentage – The percentage of the ticket price that will be reimbursed;
  • Restitution amount – The amount of money that will be reimbursed;
  • Administration costs – Administration costs the persons has to pay for canceling their tickets.

By default, the restitution percentage is set to 0%, which means that there is no refund.

Click on ‘save’ to confirm the settings.

All created cancellation options are displayed in a table. The table shows the ticket option than can be canceled, until which date it can be canceled and whether restitution and administration costs apply. To delete the cancellation option, you can click on .

On the website, users can see the amount of restitution/administration costs when they are canceling their tickets.

Edit cancellation settings

You can edit an existing cancellation option by click on the name of the ticket option. You will see the same screen as when creating a cancellation option. Make the changes and click on ‘save’.