Create forms for extra information

Optional. If you need extra information for the event (e.g. dietary needs), you can create a form that participants have to fill out when they are ordering a ticket. The information in this form can be used during the event. Forms are created per group. The table in the overview shows which groups have forms and which ones don’t.

Creating a form

Click on ‘Create’ to create a form for a group. You will see a new screen where you can select the group for which you want to create the form. After saving this, you will be able to click on the group in the overview. When you click on a group, you can create the form.

  • PropertiesOptional. Here you can enter the title of the form and write an introduction.
  • Category of fields – Here you can create a category of fields and further structure the form.
  • ImportOptional. Here you can import categories of fields from other forms.

Creating a category of fields

To create new fields for the form, click on ‘Create category of fields’. You will see a new screen. Give the category a title. This is a title the participant will see when filling out the form.

If relevant, you can link the category of fields to a specific ticket option. A participant will only see this category if the ticket option is included in the order. To do this, select a ticket option in the field ‘Linked to ticket option’.

  • If you allowed participants to order for others as well (settings for groups), the field ‘Registration fields for others’ appears here. By selecting this option, you can create a form to register data of the other person. These data will be saved in the Organization Application. Under ‘Profile type’, indicate the object type as which the other person should be saved, e.g. ‘member’ or ‘company’. In the element ‘Save as’, indicate the folder in which the profile should be saved.
  • You can also select ‘Profile fields’. By doing this, you can create a category of fields in which users can edit their own information while ordering the ticket. This can be helpful when Organization profiles include a field for a CV. Participant can upload the most recent version of their CV, and it will immediately be updated in the Organization as well. When you select this field, next you can specify the profile type for which the fields are meant, e.g. members.

It is also possible to add an introduction text under ‘Text’.

When all categories of fields have been added, click ‘save’.

Creating fields

The category of fields has been created and appears in the overview. Click on the title of the category to add fields. You will see a new screen. Click on ‘Create field’.

  • First enter the name of the field, e.g. ‘dietary needs’.
  • In the field ‘Type’, select the type of the field. Available options are:
    • Text field – Field with text, including numbers and special characters.
    • Text box – Text box with space for multiple lines.
    • Number – A field with only numbers.
    • Number with decimal – A number with decimals, useful for amounts of money.
    • Date – Field for a date.
    • File – Field in which participants can upload a file.
    • Check box – Field that can be checked off by the participant.
    • Selection – Field with multiple options of which one can be selected.
    • Check list – Field with multiple options of with multiple can be selected.
    • Organization field – If you have chosen for ‘Registration fields for others’ of ‘Profile fields’ when creating the category of fields, it is also possible to link form fields to existing fields in the Organization Application. If you select an organization field of the type 'file', the option 'Accept current value of organization field' will appear. When you select this option in combination with the option 'Required field', uploading a file will only be required if the field in the Organization does not yet contain a file. This option is useful when you ask participants to upload their resume or a profile picture.
  • If a field is required, select ‘Required field’.
  • It is possible to place the content of the field on the invoice. For example, this can be useful for a P.O. number. In the field 'Place on invoice', select the option 'place under invoice lines' or 'place under invoice data subject and date'.
  • If you have chosen a selection field or a check list, the element ‘Selection’ will appear. Enter the options that can be selected.
  • For each field, you can add an accompanying text.

After creating all fields, click ‘save’. Repeat the steps above for other categories of fields.