Automatic allocation

To allocate participants based on their preferences, go the the element ‘Activities’ in the Events tree. In the toolbar, click on ‘Automatic allocation’. You will see a new screen. In the toolbar, click on ‘Add’. You will see a new screen with several fields.

Important! Executing the allocation process will undo all previous allocation processes for the event you are working on. Thus, when you are not performing the allocation process for the first time in this event, participants may be assigned to different activities then the first time. This can be a problem if participants have already received their personal programs with their assigned activities, including the activities based on preference.


Entering limits is optional. The default setting for the fields below is unlimited.

  • Maximum number of participants to allocate – Enter here how many participants in total can be assigned to activities. This option is only relevant if not all participants can be assigned to activities.
  • Maximum number of activities – Enter the maximum amount of activities based on preference that a participant may take part in.
  • Maximum number of activities per program – Enter the maximum amount of activities based on preference that a participant may take part in during one program.

Speaker preference priority

Here you can indicate per activity type how many speaker prefences will be prioritized.

Activities priority

Here you can indicate per activity type how important it is that the activities of this type are filled. The score you enter behind the activity type will be multiplied with the matched score during the allocation process. If a participant has an equal matched score for two activities, he/she will be assigned to the activity of the type that you gave the highest priority to be filled (and therefore the lowest score).

Penalty points

Here, enter the amount of penalty points you want to give to participants who have been assigned to an activity of their preference. You can read more about assigning penalty points in the article Assign participants based on preference.


By using an automatic allocation process, naturally, participants who did not indicate preferences will not be allocated. By selecting the option ‘fill up empty spots (randomly)’, participants who did not indicate preferences will be automatically assigned to activity with available spots.

Click on ‘start now’ to start the allocation process.