Gender and pronouns

This article explains how you can add more options to the field ‘gender’ and how you can make sure that all members and users are addressed in the desired manner, for example in e-mails and invoices.

Organization profiles

Organization profiels of the objects member and person contain the default field ‘Gender’. This is a selection field with the options ‘male’ and ‘female’. You can expand this field with more options, for examle ‘non-binary’ and ‘other’. The options ‘male’ and ‘female’ must always remain in the field. It is also possible to delete the field ‘gender’ and create your own selection field or open text field. Learn how to edit and add fields.

Let members indicate gender

On the my-date page of the website, members can update the information in their profile fields. Profile fields (from the Organization application) can be added to this page by the administrator. Learn how to add fields to the my-data page.

Forms of address

Forms of address determine the way in which persons in the application Organization are addressed in the salutation of an e-mail, the address on an invoice etc.. Informal forms of address don’t use gender specific words, and formal forms of address use the words ‘m’ and ‘v’. It is possible to create a custom form of address. Learn how you can use placeholders for a custom form of address.


The display of addresses can be changed as well. Addresses contain the default placeholder {{letterhead}}, which results in the letterhead of the set form of address. This placeholder can be replaced with placeholders that refer to organization fields of choice.