
Warning! When you delete, change or move files, keep in mind that all references to those files on the website will be incorrect. You will then have to change your reference as well.

You can place files in the folders you have created. It is also possible to add files to the head folder. The files will then not be placed in the Files tree, but will be visible in the overview of the head folder itself.

The following actions can be taken in a folder:

  • Upload files
  • Rename file
  • Move file
  • Delete file
  • Download file

Upload files

  1. Go to the folder in which you want to place the file.
  2. In the toolbar, click on ‘Upload file’. A screen will appear in which you can add the file in two different ways:
    1. With the button ‘add files’. You can then select a file from the documents on your computer. It is possible to add multiple files at the same time and also to add files multiple times before starting the upload.
    2. By dragging the files into the grey area labeled ‘Drag files here’.
  3. The files will only be placed in the File Application after they are uploaded.
  4. To upload, click on the button ‘start upload’.

Tip: upload photos as JPG files, but upload all other images such as logos as PNG files. PNG files support transparency, which is desirable for images such as logo’s.

Genkgo allows to rotate images and change their color (grey tones/sepia). All other edits such as cropping are not possible. If you want to edit images, it is best to do this with a program on your computer and re-upload them later. If you work with Windows, you can use the Photo application, and for Mac you could use Preview.

Rename file

  1. On the right side of the file, click on .
  2. Enter the new file name.
  3. Confirm with ‘Change’.

Move file

  1. On the right side of the file, click on .
  2. Select the new location of the file.
  3. Confirm with ‘save’.

Delete file

  1. On the right side of the file, click on .
  2. Confirm with ‘delete’ or cancel with ‘Back’.

Download file

To download a file, click on  on the right side of the file. The file will be downloaded to your device.