4. Preview

In this step, you can see the previews of all invoices. Here you can check if the information on the invoices is correct and complete.

On the left side of the screen is a list of beneficiaries. The total number of invoices is displayed above this list. You can view the invoices per person by clicking on the name of a person.

If direct debit applies to a person, the icon  will be visible in front of their name.

If you choose for payment in installments in step 1, an extra page is added to the invoices. This page specifies the installments and the collection dates of the installments.

You can still edit the invoice after viewing the preview. To do this, click on the step where you want to make the changes at the top of the screen. When the invoices are correct and complete, you can proceed to step 5: Process to send the invoices.