Individual invoicing
From the element ‘Invoicing’, you can create and send invoices to individuals. If you want to send invoices to multiple persons simultaneously, you can do this in the element Group invoicing & Contribution.
Click on ‘Invoicing’ in the Financial tree to see the underlying components. Invoicing contains the following components:
- New – Here you can create and send new invoices.
- Drafts – Here you can find invoices that are saved but not yet sent.
- Verification – If an administrator does not have unlimited rights for Financial, he/she cannot send invoices. Sent invoices will be placed in this component.
- Outbox – Here you can find all sent invoices of which the sending date is still in the future.
- Sent – Here you can find all invoices that were sent and with which no further action has been taken yet.
- Reminders – Here you can find all invoices for which a reminder was sent.
- Exhortations – Here you can find all invoices for which an exhortation was sent.
- Paid – This component contains all invoices that are marked as paid.
- Unpaid – This component contains all invoices that are marked as unpaid, for example reversals.
- Outstanding – This component contains all invoices that are marked as unpaid and of which the further status is unknown.
- Overdue – This component contains all invoices that are not yet paid and of which the payment term has expired.
In the different components, several actions that are relevant for the status of the invoice can be carried out. The following articles explain which actions can be carried out and in which components this is possible.
- Create a new invoice
- View invoices
- View and edit drafts
- Edit sent invoices
- Cancel invoices
- Mark invoices
- Send reminders and exhortations
- Collect again
- Renew PDF
- Download invoices
Process invoices
Naturally, the ultimate goal is for all invoices to end up in the component ‘Paid’. By processing payments, paid invoices will be placed in this component. We recommend to do this automatically using a bank file, especially for a large number of invoices. If you want to process a small number of invoices, automatic processing will help you to do this as accurately as possible. Learn more about automatic and manual processing here.