View invoices

This action is possible in the elements:

  • Outbox
  • Sent
  • Reminders
  • Exhortations
  • Paid
  • Unpaid
  • Outstanding
  • Overdue

In the above elements, you can view invoices. To view an invoice, go to the element in which the invoice is located. Then click on the Invoice number or the subject of the invoice. You will see a new screen with the following tabs:

  • Properties
  • Invoice lines
  • Payment
  • Online payment transactions

In the top right corner of the screen, you can see the status of the invoice.

With invoices in all elements except Outbox, you can carry out several actions. The possible actions differ per status.


This tab contains an overview of the properties of the invoice. The properties were indicated in step 1: Properties when creating the invoice.

Invoice lines

This tab contains an overview of the invoice lines on the invoice. Invoice lines were created in step 2: Invoice when creating the invoice.


In this tab, you can view all details about the payment of the invoice. You can see, among other things, when possible reminders or exhortations were sent and which associated costs. If relevant, the tab contains a table with information about the direct debit payment.

Online payment transactions

In this tab, you can find information about the online payment if this is the chosen payment method for this invoice.