VAT turnover tax rates
In the element ‘VAT’ you can manage the turnover tax information. You can add VAT percentages that will be used automatically for invoice lines. VAT percentages can always be overwritten manually on invoices.
If you community is exempt from VAT, you can leave this element empty. Some communities are partially VAT liable. Ask the tax authorities if you are not sure about the community’s VAT liability.
Add a percentage
If you are sure that your community is (partially) VAT liable, you can start entering the VAT percentages. Click on ‘Add’ in the toolbar.
Give the percentage a name. Then enter the percentage itself, for example 21%. You can also indicate whether the percentage is standard. If a percentage is standard, it will be used by default for invoice lines with VAT. You can always change this manually on an invoice.
Click on ‘save’. The percentage has been added and appears in the overview.
Edit a percentage
Click on on the right side of the percentage in the overview. You will see the same fields as when you were adding the percentage. Make the changes and save them.
Delete a percentage
Click on on the right side of the percentage in the overview. Click on ‘delete’ to confirm or on ‘Back’ to cancel.