Step 3B: Process collection payments
The collection won’t always be successful at once. Presumably, most payments will be completed without any problems. However, problems such as an account with insufficient ballance, a member that reported unjustified direct debit or a reversal of payment are likely to arise. The software of your bank will give you insight into these problems.
Indicate the correct payment status in the system. We highly recommend doing this automatically using a bank file.
Automatic (recommended)
Automatically processing collection can be done by comparing the transfered amounts with the sent invoices. Using an uploaded bank file, the system will try to match each payment with an invoice. After that, you can check the matches that were found, make adjustments where needed and process this. By doing this, unpaid invoices will remain active in the administration.
You can find a discription of automatically processing collection payments using imported bank files in Step 3C: processing payments by transfer.
- Go to the element Collection – Batches. Open the last sent batch by clicking on the date. You will see the list of items.
- Here you will have to flag each unsuccesful collection (reversal). You can do this by clicking on
, which stands for ‘reversal’, behind the item.
- You will see a new screen. Here you can indicate the reason for the reversal. You can also choose to collect the due amount again by entering a new transaction date behind ‘Collect again’.
- When you have processed all reversals, all other items in the list can be marked as payed. You can do this at once by clicking on ‘Mark paid’ in the toolbar. Check if ‘mark reversals as unpaid’ is selected and then click ‘save’. The successful collections will all be processed now. The unpaid items for which you created a new transaction date will move back to the tab ‘Outstanding items’. Later, you can create a batch of all outstanding items again.