Manage pages of the website

It is important to set up the page structure of the website correctly. We have already created a basic structure for your website. This structure is suitable for most communities. However, you are free to move around adn edit these pages, as well as to create new pages.

Create a page

This article explains how to create a new page.

Edit or delete a page

After creating a page, you can still edit the the properties of the page, for example the title. Here you can read how to edit and delete a page.

Not all pages are text pages. Some pages have modules dedicated to a specific purpose, such as the members list or forms. We strongly recommend that you do not delete these pages. If you don’t want to use a page like this, it is much better to disable it. To do this, click on ‘Properties’ in the toolbar. Under ‘Availability’, deselect the option ‘Page online’. The page won’t be visible to visitors of the website anymore. Later you can make the page available again by selecting the option ‘Page online’.

Secure a page

It is possible to secure pages of the website. A secured page is only available to logged in users. This is a very useful option for dedicated members pages. By default, the page ‘my community’ is secured and only accessible for members. Here you can read how to secure a page.

Fill a page with content

Each newly created sub page of the front page is a text page by default. Text pages have a text editor in which you can place text and additional media. You can use this for pages such as the history of the association, tables with schedules or a list of YouTube videos. Learn how to fill a page with content.

Edit the menu

Each website has a menu with the pages of the website. This helps visitors to navigate through the website to the pages they want to view. Often, most pages of the website are available in the menu. It is possible to edit this menu, for example to change the order of the menu items or to delete a page from the menu. Learn read how to edit the menu.

Contact details in the footer

The footer of the website is the element all the way at the bottom of the page. The footer is visible on every page of the website. It is mostly used to display essential information such as contact details.

You can edit the footer in the Website Application. Go to a web page that has the tab ‘Footer’ and click on the module ‘Text’.

This module is linked to every page of the website. This means that any changes to the text will be visible on every other page of the website as well. We recommend placing the contact details of your community in the footer.