General settings

Before adding company profiles and vacancies, some general settings must be made first.


Go to the application Organization > Settings > Fields & Properties > Organization > tab ‘Career’. On the left side of the screen, you will see several tabs. Each tab needs to contain a list. These listst will serve as the options that can be chosen for each company.

  • Types – List the different types of vacancies that will appear (e.g. ‘student job’, ‘graduate internship’, ‘full-time’, etc.).
  • Sectors – List all industries to which the companies you are going to add belong to (e.g. ‘Finance’, ‘Insurance’, ‘IT’, etc.)
  • Locations – List the locations of the companies (e.g. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Berlijn, Outside Europe, etc.
  • Languages – List the languages that are required for vacancies.
  • Areas – List the areas of expertise that are relevant for vacancies (e.g. ‘Investment', 'IT', 'Engineering', etc.). The use of this list is mandatory.
  • Company size – List the different company sizes that appear (e.g. ‘10-40’,’40-100' or 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large'). This list gives users an idea of the size of the company offering the job.

Create company profiles

In the applicaton Organization, create a folder for companies of which you want to publish a company profile on the website.

Place the companies of which a company profile will be published in the new folder. Existing company profiles can be moved. You can also create new company profiles.