
The message feed focuses on text and message. It is a feed best compared to a Twitter or LinkedIn Feed. A message feed can be placed in the app, member area of the website and the admin dashboard.

Adding a message feed

Message feeds can be added by the administrator in the Organization app, under the 'Feeds' tab. By clicking on 'Add', a message feed can be added. Here, a name must first be given to the message feed, and it must be determined whether the message feed should be private or public. A private message feed can only be shown on the dashboard. Finally, it must be determined whether the message feed should be shown on the dashboard. When a message feed is not shown on the dashboard, it is not possible to moderate the messages.

Selecting message feeds

A message feed can be selected in the app by creating a module and selecting the 'Message feed' module here. Then a message feed created in the Organization application can be selected here, and it can be set what this message feed should be called in the app. It can also be set to send a push notification when a message is sent.

Content in the message feed

In a message feed, members can post messages to which other members can then respond. It is also possible for members to like messages or responses to them.

Members can attach photos and files to messages. Also, when a link is placed in the text, it is displayed attractively using OpenGraph.

In the admin dashboard, the various dashboards can be viewed by administrators. Administrators can moderate message feeds here by editing or deleting posted messages.