Overwrite existing data

Sometimes is it necessary for an adjustment in member data to export the data from the application Organization and adjust it in excel, then import it again. This is especially convenient when data of a large group* need to be adjusted at once. The import function can be used to do this.

  1. Export the data - First, make an export of the folder or group in which you want to make adjustments. In the excel file, you can make the adustments in the relevant fields. We recommend that you leave all other fields in the excel file untouched. At the very least, the column 'id' should be left untouched. The system used this column to identify profiles and place the correct data in those profiles.
  2. Import the data - After making the adjustments in excel and saving the file, go back to the application Organization in your Genkgo environment. Then follow step 1-6 of part 3 above (import file and verify).
  3. Follow step 7 below.
  4. Follow step 8-11 of part 3 above (import file and verify) to finish the import.

Step 7. Configuration to restore previous export.

  • Under ‘Settings’ select ‘Restore previous export’.
    • You will now see a new category ‘Restore export’. Select which column contains the ID of the object. I you haven’t changed the column names, select ‘id’. This ensures that the objects in the system are matched based on the column ‘ID’ in the export file and that the data will be overwritten.
  • Make sure that all columns you want to import are linked to an Organization field.
    • Select ‘do not import’ for fields that should not be imported.
    • The field ‘Display name’ is mandatory. If unchanged, also select this field.
  • Make sure to not forget any fields. If you do, you will need to import again.

* If you want to adjust the information in one field for a large group, you don’t need to export and import the data. You can use the advanced search query to edit one field for a large group.