Edit an object

The following editing actions are discussed in this article:

  • Edit object
  • Edit folder
  • Add members to a group
  • Add occupants to a role
  • Edit rights of a role
  • Edit dynamic groups
  • Edit alias

Edit an object

  1. In the Organization tree, go to the location of the object you want to edit.
  2. Click on the name of the object.
    You will now see the profile of the object. The profile has several tabs, depending on the object type.
  3. Choose the tab in which you want to edit the information.
  4. Edit the fields.
  5. Click ‘Save’ to confirm.

The object is now changed. You are being redirected to the overview in the main screen.

Edit a folder

For a folder, several changes and settings can be made: you can change the name of the folder and indicate which object types may be saved in this folder.

Go to the folder in which the relevant folder is saved (the parent folder). You will see an overview of all object saved in the parent folder. Go to the folder you want to edit, but don’t click on it. Click on – on the right side of the folder. On the screen that appears now, you can change the name of the folder. Click on ‘save’ to confirm the adjustment.

Underlying objects of the folder

This screen also contains the tab ‘Underlying objects’. When you create a new folder, all object types can be saved in it by default. Hoever, if you want to have a folder in which only certain object types, e.g. groups and dynamic groups may be saved, you can indicate that all other object types cannot be created in this folder. These settings are necessary if, for example, you want to make a page on the website only accessible to a certain type of object (e.g. the ‘my-community’ page on the website).

Click on the tab ‘Underlying objects’. Here you will see a table with all object types that are available in your administration. Behind the object types, you can select or deselect them to indicate that they can or cannot be saved in this folder. After making the changes, click on ‘save’ to confirm.

Important! If there are existing objects saved in the folder, of a type that you want to remove from the folder, move these objects to a different folder before making the changes.

Add members to a group

  1. In the Organization tree, go to the group to which you want to add members.
    You are automatically redirected to the ‘members’ tab.
  2. Click ‘Add’.
  3. Do a search query for a the person you want to add to the group.
  4. Select the intended person from the list of suggestions.
  5. Click ‘Save’ to confirm.

The person is now added to the group. The name appears in the list of members.

Add occupants to a role

  1. In the Organization tree, go to the role of which you want to edit the occupants.
    You are automatically redirected to the tab ‘Occupants’.
  2. Click ‘Add’.
  3. Perform a search query for the person or group you want to add as occupant.
  4. Select the intended person or group from the list of suggestions.
  5. Click ‘Save’ to confirm.

The person or group is added to the role. The name appears in the list of occupants.

Edit rights of a role

  1. In the Organization tree, go to the role of which you want to edit the rights.
    You are automatically redirected to the tab ‘Occupants’.
  2. Go to the tab ‘Rights’.
  3. Check the boxes of the rights you want to add to the role.
    To allow occupants to login to the Admin, you need to at least check that box.
  4. Click ‘Save’ to confirm.

You will receive a notification that the rights have been saved.

Edit dynamic groups

It is not possible to edit dynamic groups. The only possible way to make a change in a dynamic group is to delete the dynamic group and create a new one by doing a new search query and saving it as a dynamic group.

Edit alias

An alias is a reference. The same procedure applies to editing an alias as to any other element. When you edit an alias, the original object will also be changed.