Committee (Module)
The module Committees allows to add committees to the Organization. A committee is a type of object in the Organization with a several extra tabs to add extra information.
This module can be installed on request.
Next to the default tabs ‘Information’, ‘members’ and ‘Contact information’ in other groups, committees have the extra information can be added under the following tabs:
- Committee functions – For each committee member, here it can be specified which function they have in the committee.
- Profile – Here you can add a description of the committee. This description will appear on the website if you choose to publish committees on the website.
- Former members – Former members of the committee can be added here.
The extra information that can be added to committees is not only beneficial for structure in the administration of the Organization, but it also allows to publish committees on a separate page on the website. The extra information is used here.
This article explains which information can be added under which tab. In the article Module – Committees you can read more about adding a committee page to the website.