
Persons can be given access rights to the Genkgo Admin through assigned roles.

As customer of Genkgo, you received a username and password. This gives you access to the Admin. When a person has access to the Admin, that person has the role of an administrator. This role grants the person certain rights. In the Admin, you can create other roles, each with its own set of rights, and assign them to persons. Those persons can then access the parts of the Admin where they are allowed with their role.

You will find the following tabs in the main screen of Roles:


In this tab, the role can be given a name (e.g. ‘Administrator’) and it can be determined if persons with this role may login to the Admin.


In this tab, the occupants of the role can be determined. The role can be assigned to persons, but also to a group or company. In that case, all persons in the group or company become occupants of the role.

To add occupants, click ‘Add’. Next, type the name of the person or group that you want to assign to the role and press enter. A list of persons and groups that match the search appears. Check the box of the intended person or group and click ‘Save’. The person or group is now occupant of the role.

To delete an occupant, click on the red ball with the white stripe on the right of the name of the occupant. Then click ‘Delete’ to confirm, or ‘Back’ to cancel.


In this tab, you can define the rights of the role. For each installed application (Organization, Website, Communication etc.), you can set the rights of the role. The table below shows the possible settings and their effect:

Name Role
Genkgo Admin login When this is selected, the occupant of the role can login to the Admin.
Read Can see information
Write Can add information and edit existing information
Delete Can delete information and components
Unlimited Can execute all actions in the application
Read tree structure Can view the tree structure or the Organization, but cannot view any data inside the organization profiles. This right allows someone who doesn’t have further rights in the Organization but does have rights in other applications to use data from the Organization for other applications. An example is adding beneficiaries in the Communication Application.

Important! The combination of the rights ‘Read’, ‘Write’ and ‘Delete’ does not equal the right ‘Unlimited’.

An administrator with unlimited rights for an application will be able to view all data in the application at all times. An administrator with the rights to read, write and delete in an application is not able to do this. For example, in the Website Application they have to be webmaster of a specific website to have access, and in the Events Application, events with a specific administrator are not accessible for other administrators with limited rights. It is even possible to set that administrators with limited rights only have access to events to which they have been assigned as administrators. Administrators with limited rights also cannot access the settings of applications themselves. They can only view and edit the content of the applications.

Other actions for roles: