Overviews: status changes and statistics
In the element ‘Overviews’ you can find two things: profile statistics and status changes. In the long term, keeping overviews can give you insight into how well the community is doing and the kind of people the community attracts.
Status changes
Status change overviews give you insight in the content of Organization folders. A status change overview tracks the number of profiles in a folder over time. It also shows you which profiles were added and which profiles left the folder. This is a tool to be able to check the numbers in folders. You can see precisely why a folder contains a certain number of profiles at a specific point in time.
To create a status change overview, go to the Organization folder of which you want to keep the overview. Then click on ‘Create overview’ in the toolbar. Choose the option ‘Overview bases on status changes’. Give the overview a name. Then select the interval of the data points and click on ‘save’. You will immediately see the overview.
At the top of the overview, you will see the Organization folder, the current number of profiles in the folder and the period over which the data was gathered. Underneath is a table that shows the period in which the data point was gathered (the month), the name of the profile, the action of the profile, the date on which the profile was added to (added at) or taken from (left at) the folder and the total number of profiles in the folder.
Profile statistics
With profile statistics, you can keep track of certain information about members of the community. Profile statistics are graphs that display data in one data point per variable per month.
You can keep statistics on the content of a certain folder, which means that you are keeping track of the course of the number of members. You can also keep statistics based on profile fields. These concern specific information from profiles, not the number of profiles. the can be based on one or two fields, in some cases even more. An example of statistics based on one field is one that keeps data on the number of women in the community. An example of statistics based on two fields is one that keeps data on the number of women grouped by age. The chart then shows the total number of women and the number of women per age group.
Profile statistics based on folders
This type of profile statistics contain a graph with the number of profiles that the folder contains per month.
To create this graph, go to the Organization folder of which you want to keep the overview. Then click on ‘Create overview’ in the toolbar. Choose the option ‘Graph based on folder total’. Give the graph a name and click on ‘save’. You will see the graph immediately. The system needs a few seconds to gather the data. Refresh the screen and you will see the first data point (of the current month).
Profile statistics based on fields
Creating profile statistics starts with performing an advanced search. This does not happen in the element ‘Overviews’, but in the element where all Organization objects are saved.
- Go to the folder from which you want to search. Then perform an advanced search. You should base your query on one of the fields that you want to include in the statistics. For example, if you want to keep statistics on the age of women in the community, search on ‘female’. If you want to keep statistics on all objects in the folder where you are searching, do not enter any criteria for the query. The query will then result in all objects of the folder.
- After performing the advanced search, you will see a list of all objects that meet the criteria. Click on ‘Save’ in the toolbar and then on ‘Create statistics’.
- Give the statistics a descriptive name, e.g. ‘Women, grouped by age’. It is important that the name is formulated as clear as possible, since statistics will be more and more useful as time passes and will likely be used by possible successors.
- Behind ‘Group by’, you can choose from all profile fields of the object. If you want to keep data on the age of women, here we choose for the field ‘date of birth’. You can choose from all fields of the object. However, not all fields are treated the same in the chart:
- For text fields, such as a text box or parachart, the statistics will only show whether they are filled in or not by means of the variables ‘yes’ and ‘no’. The actual content of these fields is never shown in statistics.
- For fields with multiple choices, such as a selection field or a check list, all values of these fields will be shown as separate variables in the chart. For each option in the list, there will be a separate data point per month.
- Of date fields, not the date itself but the number of years will be shown in the statistics. For example, when you create statistics of women and you group them by the field ‘date of birth’, not the actual date of birth will be shown, but the statistics will display age groups of 5 years (e.g. 18-23, 24-29, etc.)
- When choose to group by a field that is a check box, you can extend the statistics by adding other check box fields. Learn how this works in extend statistics.
- Click ‘save’ to confirm.
- You will now see a screen with a chart. The chart is still empty. Currently, the system is gathering all required data to create the statistics.
- Refresh the screen. All data points will appear now. Because statistics are only kept from the moment they are created, there is no timeline yet. The datapoints are located on the left side of the chart. After one month, new data points will be added and you will be able to see a timeline.
View profile statistics
The tab 'Profile statistics' in element ‘Overviews’ contains a table with an overview of all created statistics. The table displays the names of the staticstics, the date on which they were created and the last date on which the information regarding the statistics was gathered. Statistics that were created earlier are updated every day at the time that the back-up of the system is made.
To view statistics, click on the name. Statistics contain the following elements:
- X axis – Timeline in months (notation: yyyymm)
- Y axis – Numbers
- Legend – All variables. By clicking on a variable you can hide it and show it again.
Extend profile statistics with fields
Statistics that are grouped by a check box field can be extended by other check box fields. To do this, click on ‘Extend’ in the toolbar of the relevant statistics. You will see a screen with the field ‘Group by’. The drop-down menu contains all other check box fields from the organisation profile. Select the correct field and click on ‘extend’. You will then see the chart again. Refresh the screen. The new variable is now included in the chart. The statistics can be extended with an unlimited number of check box fields.
Important! When you add a new variable to the chart, this is not retroactively. The first data point of the new variable is on the date on which it was added to the chart.
Delete Overviews
To delete statistics, click on on the right side of the name. Then click on ‘delete’ to confirm or on ‘Back’ to cancel.