Search in Organization

When you are looking for a specific object in the Organization (e.g. person or member), the search function will help you to quickly find the object. Especially when there is a large amount of objects in the Organization, the search function helps you to work faster.

Search from an active folder

Searches in the Organization are bound to your location in the Organization tree. When you are in a specific folder, search queries will only target the active folder and any underlying folders. You can recognize the active folder in the Organization tree by the orange color. The underlying folders of an active folder are folded out by default.

If you do not know in which folder an object is located, then search from the highest folder (the first element in the Organization tree: the name of your community). Search queries from this location will target all folders in the Organization.

How do I search in Genkgo Organization?

  1. Click on the search bar on the top right of the screen.
  2. Enter a search query. Usually, this is (part of) a name of a person, member or company.
  3. Click ‘Search’ or press enter.
  4. Results will appear on the main screen.

Advanced search

The advanced search function makes it possible to search for specific objects but also specific fields. Like a simple search query, advanced searches are bound to location: they only target active and underlying folders.

How do I perform advanced searches in Genkgo Organization?

  1. On the right side of the search bar, you can find a button with a magnifying glass and a gear wheel. When you hover your mouse over this button, you will see ‘Advanced search’.
  2. Select the object type you want to include in the search query (if searching for a person, select Person, if searching for a company, select Company, etc.).
  3. In the screen that appears now, configure the data that you want to search for. Check the box of a field to indicate that you want to display the contents of this field in your search results.
  4. You can also indicate the values that the fields should have. The settings differ per field type:
    • For a text field: contains, doesn’t contain, is equal to, is not equal to, is empty, is not empty.
    • For a number field: is greater than, is smaller than, is equal to.
    • For a date field: date (is greater than, is smaller than, is equal to), period, difference in years (age), difference in weeks.
  5. When everything is filled in satisfactorily, click ‘Search now’.
  6. The results will be displayed in the main screen.


Based on this search query, you can perform several actions: