Add and manage prospects

The manage the prospects of a project, go to the project and click on the tab ‘Prospects’.

You will see a screen with a table on the right side, which contains all added prospects, and several filter options on the left side. When you add relations as prospects to a project, they will be placed in the table on the right side. You can click on a relation to manage the prospect information of the relation.

Here you can also add prospects to the project and export a spreadsheet with all prospects.

Add prospect

To add a relation as prospect to a project, click on ‘Add’. In the field ‘Relation’, type the name of the relation. Choose the correct relation from the suggestions. Click on ‘add’ to confirm.

Export prospects

With the button ‘Export’, you can download a file with the information of all prospects of the project. The spreadsheet will contain the name of the relation, the date on which an agreement was reached, the date on which the relation rejected the organization, the amount of the agreement and the amount that is in the signed contract. You can choose several file formats:

  • Excel (XLSX)
  • Excel XP (XLS)
  • Libre/Open Office (ODS)
  • CSV

You can also choose to include the information of the relation from the Organization, such as the contact details. To do this, select the option ‘Link’. Then click ‘export’ to download the file.

Prospect overview

The table on the right side of the screen displays all relations that were added as prospects to the project. The table also displays the status of the relation, the priority that was given to the relation, whether there is a callback request and, if relevant, the agreed amount.

To search for specific prospects, you can use the filter options on the left side of the screen. You can filter on the following topics:

  • Assigned to – Filter the prospects on assignment. For example, you can search for prospects that are assigned to yourself, or prospects that nobody has been assigned to yet.
  • Callback request – Filter the prospects with or without a callback request, or both.
  • Priority – Filter the prospects on assigned priority. You can select multiple options.
  • Status – Filter the prospects on status. You can select multiple options.

Click on ‘update’ to update the list according to the selected filters.

Manage prospect

When you click on a relation in the tab ‘Dashboard’ of ‘Prospects’, you will see an overview of this relation. On the right side you will see the general information of the relation: contact details, addresses and contact persons. You can edit this information by clicking on .

You can also manage the following things, each of which are discussed separately below:

  • Add contact moment
  • Create callback request
  • Edit status and priority
  • Acquire
  • Reject
  • Assign
  • Delete

Add contact moment

To add a new contact moment, click on ‘Add’ behind ‘Contact moments’. You can indicated the contact person that you had contact with, and the method of contact. These two fields are not required. In the text box, write what was discussed during the contact. Then click on ‘add’. The contact moments you create are added to the overview.

If the overview contains contact moments, you will also see an eye icon on the right side. When you click on this, you can indicate which contact moments you would like to see. When you choose ‘Messages for this prospect’, only the messages for this project will be displayed. If you choose for messages of the relation within a certain project group, all contact moments with this relations for all projects within the project group will be displayed.

Create callback request

If you have had contact with a relation and you promised to call back at a later moment, you can create a callback request. To do this, click on ‘Callback request’ in the toolbar. Then select the option ‘Call back?’. Optionally, you can indicate the date and time of the callback in the field ‘Moment’. Then click on ‘update’. The callback request is now added to ‘Contact moments’. When you go back to the general overview of the tab ‘Prospects’ (click on the tab), you will see ‘yes’ or the callback moment in the column ‘Call back’ behind the relation.

To delete a callback request, go to the overview of the relation. Click on ‘Callback request’ in the toolbar again and uncheck the option ‘Call back?’. Click on ‘update’. The callback request is now deleted.

Edit status and priority

After adding a contact moment with a relation, the status of the relation will automatically be changed to ‘approached’. However, it is possible to edit this status. You can also give a certain priority to a relation. To manage the status and priority, click on ‘Edit status’ in the toolbar.

  • Behind ‘Status’, choose the status. The possible statuses depend on the current status.
  • Behind ‘Priority’ you can choose:
    • Low priority
    • Neutral
    • High priority

After selecting a status and/or priority, click on ‘update’. The status and priority are now updates. At the top of the screen, next to the name of the relation, the current status is displayed.


After coming to an agreement with a relation about a certain amount, you can acquire this amount. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on ‘Acquire’ in the toolbar. Then enter the agreed upon amount and the date that the amount was agreed upon. Click on ‘acquire’ to confirm.
  2. The status of the relation is now changed to ‘oral agreement’. This status can be edited by click on ‘Edit status’ in the toolbar. The possible statuses are now ‘negotiating contract’ and ‘sent contract’.
  3. When the contract is sent and signed, you can implement this into the system. The button ‘Acquire’ in the toolbar has been changed to ‘Sign’. Click this button to implement the signing information. If there is a begin and end date to the contract, enter these here. Behind ‘Amount’, the agreed upon amount has already been filled in. To attach the (signed) contract, choose the document with the contract in the field ‘Document’. This is not required. There is also some space to write any comments, and you need to indicate the signing date of the contract behind ‘Signed on’.

Undo acquisition

In some cases, you may want to undo an acquisition. You can do this with the button ‘Undo acquisition’ in the toolbar. When you do this, the contract of that acquisition will also be deleted. Click on ‘undo’ to confirm.


If you have had contact with a relation, but they are not interested at the moment, you can enter this information into the system with the button ‘Reject’ in the toolbar. Enter the date of the rejection behind ‘Rejected on’. Behind ‘Status’, choose the reason for rejection (approach later, not interested or rejected). This will become the new status of the relation.


Within a project, you can assign a relation to one or multiple persons. These are the persons who are in a group with the rights to this project. Here you can read how to give rights to a group. To assign a prospect to a person, click on ‘Assign’ in the toolbar. Type the name of the person and choose the correct person from the suggestions. Click on ‘update’ to confirm.

Delete assignment

To delete an assignment, click on ‘Assign’ in the toolbar again. The assigned persons are displayed in the field ‘Assign’. Click on the cross in front of the name of the person you want to delete. Click on ‘update’ to confirm.


To delete a relation as prospect from a project, click on ‘Delete’ in the toolbar. Confirm with ‘delete’.