Configure survey
After creating a survey, you can start configuring it by adding pages.
Add page
You can add multiple pages to a survey. Each page can consist of one or more questions. For example, you could create one page per subject. To add a page, click on ‘Add page’ in the toolbar. Behind ‘Label’, enter the name of the page, e.g. ‘Personal data’ for a page on which you ask for some personal information. If you don’t give the page a label, the pages will have consecutive numbers. However, these numbers will not be visible on the survey itself. Click on ‘save’ to confirm. You can create as many pages as you want.
Each page you created appears as a tab in the overview of the survey.
Edit page order
To edit the order of the pages, click on ‘edit page order’ in the toolbar. Drag the pages into the desired order and then click ‘save’ to confirm.
Filling out & Results
Under ‘Filling out & Results’ in the toolbar you can, depending on whether or not the survey is freely accessible, view the survey, send invitations, automatically invite dynamic groups and export the results of the survey.
View the survey
If you made the survey freely accessible, you can click on ‘View input pages’. Your browser will open a new tab in which you can see the survey as participants would see it. This way you can check whether the survey is as it should be.
Participant requests
If the survey is not freely accessible, instead of ‘view input pages’ you will have the option ‘make participant request’. Here you can send individuals a request to participate in your survey. In the field ‘Person’, enter the name of a person from the Organization to whom you want to send the request. A number of suggestions will appear. Select the correct person. Then indicate whether the person should receive an invitation per e-mail behind ‘E-mail invitation’. After entering all necessary information, click on ‘save’ to confirm.
All participant requests will be displayed in a table. Here you can see to whom a request was sent, how many questions were answered by each person, the date on which the survey was completed by each person and the date on which the requests were sent. You can also see whether a reminder has been sent and under ‘Options’ you can delete the participant request by clicking on .
Automatic invitations
Instead of inviting individuals, you can also invite entire dynamic groups. Click on ‘Invite automatically’ and then on ‘Add’. Enter the name of a group you want to invite to participate. For example, this can be a group of participants of an event. Then click on ‘save’ to confirm. The persons in the group will receive an invitation e-mail. Once a day, the system checks whether new persons were added to the dynamic group. The new members of the group will also receive an invitation e-mail.
Note that it is important that you create the dynamic group before creating an automatic invitation. Learn how to create a dynamic group.
Export results
You can also export the results of the survey. To do this, click on the option ‘Export results’. You can then choose from several file formats:
- Excel (XLSX)
- Excel XP (XLS)
- Libre/Open Office (ODS)
Select one of the file formats. Then click on ‘save’. The file will be downloaded to your computer.
This page
Under ‘This page’, you can delete the page and edit the properties of the page.
To delete the page, click on ‘Delete’. Then click ‘Yes’ to confirm or ‘cancel’ to cancel.
Click on ‘Properties’ to view or edit the properties of the page. You can change the name of the page behind ‘Label’. Click on ‘save’ to confirm your changes.
This survey
Under ‘This survey’, you can delete the survey, edit the properties of the survey and move the survey to another folder.
To delete the survey, click on ‘Delete’. Then click ‘Yes’ to confirm or ‘cancel’ to cancel.
Click on ‘Properties’ to view or edit the properties of the survey. You can edit everything you entered when creating the survey. Confirm your changes with ‘save’.
Click on ‘Move’ to move the survey to a folder. Select the folder in which you want to place the survey. Then click on ‘save’ to confirm.