
Several types of e-mails can be sent from the Admin, for example e-mail automation in the Organization and e-mails from the Communication Application. In the element ‘Domains’, the domains that are used to send those e-mails from this system can be managed. These domains need to be verified as sender before they can be used to send e-mails. This element contains an overview of all added domains. The overview also tells you whether domains are verified, so that you know which domains can and cannot be used.

To add a domain, click on ‘Add’ in the toolbar. Then enter the name of the domain in ‘Name’. Confirm with ‘save’. The domain has now been added and is displayed in the overview. However, is has not been verified yet. To do this, click on ‘Verify now’ under ‘Action’. You will see a new screen. This screen displays several steps to go through to verify the domain. You will need access to the DNS of your domain. Ask your hosting provider how to get access. After going through the steps, select ‘I executed the steps above. The domain can be verified’. Then click on ‘Perform verification now’.

If all settings are correct, the domain has now been verified and can be used for websites and to send e-mails. The overview will also indicate that the domain has been verified.