Delete information from search engines

Indexed pages and files that you do not want to share with the outside world can be deleted from search engines. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

1. Secure that page or file

First of all, you need to secure or delete the page(s) or file(s) that are indexed by search engines. You can find separate support articles about securing pages and securing files. Confirm that the file(s) or page(s) is not publicly accessible anymore by logging out of the admin and trying to visit the file(s) or page(s).

2. Remove the files from search engines

Since the file is not available anymore, it will automatically be removed from search engines. If the matter is urgent and you cannot wait for the file to disappear from the search engine by itself, you can submit a request for removal. You can use the links below to do this. For some search engines, it is required to have an account and login before submitting the request.