Forgot password

If users forget their password, they can request a new password. To do this, they click on ‘Login’ on the website and then on ‘Forgot password?

The user will then be redirected to a page where they are asked to fill in their username. The username is usually the same as the e-mail address that is registered in their profile.

After entering their username, they click on ‘Request new password’. An automatic e-mail will then be sent to the user. This e-mail contains the username and a password link. In this link, users can enter their new password. Thus, new passwords do not need to be generated automatically.

Note that the system verifies the complexity of the password. There are no requirements regarding the kinds of characters that are used, but there is a minimal level of complexity that needs to be met. This can be done by using more characters (longer password) or expand the set of characters (add capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols).