
In the tab ‘Settings’, you can make several different settings and changes.


Here you can enter a ‘Default sender’. This e-mail address will be used as the sender of e-mails like ‘forgot password’ or confirmation e-mails after filling out a form. However, during composition of an e-mail, the sender address can still be changed.


Under ‘Iframes’, you can indicate whether the website can be inserted as iframe on other websites. This is not desirable for most websites, but you need this option when for example you want to insert one of your forms on another website as an iframe. If the other website operates from another domain than that of your own website, you need to set iframes to ‘Allow from all sources’.

We strongly advise not to change the settings of Iframes if you do not have enough knowledge of this subject.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Do not allow
  • Allow only from the same source
  • Allow from all sources

Referal policy

When a visitor clicks on a link or loads an iframe, then the originating source will be attached to the opening page (referrer). By default, this will only be done for internal sources (with the same base URL). However, it could be that some external sources require a referrer (for any reason). You could change the referrer policy to also include the referrer when loading external HTTPS sources.

External sources

At the bottom of the page, you can manage external sources. In the past, Genkgo had a whitelist of external sources. Only sources from this list could be used and only Genkgo could make changes to the whitelist. Right now, it is possible to make your own list of allowed external sources for each website. You can also indicate the way in which the sources are being used.

For example, to be able to embed a YouTube video, you need to enter ‘*’ under ‘Source’ and check the box under ‘Iframes’. Even if you want to insert an external poll or magazine (such as ISSUU), you must add the domain on which they operate to the external sources. Presumably, you only need to activate the Iframes option for these kind of sources. It is important to not just add any source: make sure to only use reliable sources. If you add an unreliable source, the security of your own website can be undermined.

After making the changes, click ‘save’.