Theme settings

For some websites the possibility exists to change the theme settings. The theme settings are reached by going to the 'Settings' in the 'Website' application and then selecting 'Theme'.

Depending on the settings of the website, a couple of parameters are now shown which are possible for the user to change.

Below is an overview of different kinds of parameters, how to set them up en what effect they have.


Within the parameters 'transparant SVG file' and 'transparant PNG file' it is possible upload a logo with a transparant background that will be shown in the header or footer.

Tip: by uploading a SVG file the website will load faster

By, in the case of a header logo, choosing the orientation that matches the logo's shape best in 'Logo orientation', the header will adjust to the shape of the logo. The possible orientations are Landscape, Portrait and Square/round.


Within the parameters 'Primary color', 'Secondary color' and 'Tertiary color' the colors of the website can be changed. By clicking on the color bar a screen will become visible where some standard colors will be visible. After clicking on the plus icon it will be possible to select a color yourself or to add a hex colorcode.

The 'Primary color' will mostly be applied on the color of the buttons before they are clicked, but also on the color of the slideshow and the social media icons.

The 'Secondary color' will mostly be applied on the color of the buttons when selected.

The 'Tertiairy color' will mostly be applied on the color of the buttons when it is a subpage of a menu item, and a subpage of this subpage is selected.

In a similar way you can change the 'Global background color', 'Header background color', 'Header border color' and 'Footer background color'.

Within the parameters 'Header text color' and 'Footer text color' the text color of the header or footer can be changed to either Light or Dark.

Other theme settings

Within the parameter 'Header layout' the layout of the header can be changed. In most cases the logo will be displayed above the menu when selecting Option 1 and next to the menu when selecting Option 2. It is also possible to place a border above the header within the parameter 'Header border' by selecting this option.

Within the parameter 'Rounded corners' it is possible to change how round the corners of fields like buttons, newsitems, events, photoalbums, etc. are. The possible options are Disabled, Small, Medium and Large.

Within the parameter 'Global background image' it is possible to setup a global background image for the entire website. This can be done by uploading a transparant PNG file with a seamless pattern.

Apart from the listed settings there are also theme settings that are specifically designed for a website, for instance settings for the slide show. These are unique to the website, but will work in similar ways as the listed settings.