Website statistics

The element ‘Statistics’ is located at the bottom of the website tree. In this element, you can find the statistics of the website. The different tabs concern different aspects of the website. These aspects are: visitors, users, pages and locations.


The tab ‘Visitors’ shows statistics related to visitors of the website. In the menu on the left, you can choose several graphs:

  • Unique visitors – The amount of unique visitors of the website. This is calculated based on the combination of the used browser and the IP-address.
  • Returning visitors – This chart displays the amount of sessions and the amount of users. Sessions are uninterrupted visits to the website. The session expires when the visitor is inactive on the website for 30 minutes. Users are logged in visitors of the website.
  • Browsers – This chart shows the amount of unique visitors per browser.
  • Languages – Here you can see how many users visit the website in each available language.
  • Duration of visits – This charts shows the average visiting time in seconds per day.


The tab ‘Users’ contains a chart with statistics concerning the amount of logged in users per day. It also contains a table with an overview of the most active users, including the amount of sessions and the amount of pages that has been visited in the set period.


The tab ‘Pages’ contains statistics about the different pages of the website. The chart on the top of the page shows the amount of unique visitors and the amount of visited pages. The first table, under the chart, gives an overview of the most visited pages and how often they were visited in the set period. The second table gives an overview of URLs not found. You can clcik on one of te most visited pages in the left table to view a graph for that specific page. Under the graph, an overview of the most requested URLs on that page is displayed, including the number of times each URL was requested from the page.


The last tab, ‘Locations’, contains two charts with statistics concerning the location from which the website was visited. The first chart shows how often the website was visited per country. The second chart shows how often the website was visited per city.

Edit periods

The statistics that you can see concern a certain period of time. However, it is possible to change the period over which the statistics are displayed. To do this, click on ‘Change period’ in the toolbar. In the fields ‘From’ and ‘Until’, enter the period over which you want to see the statistics. Click ‘save’ to confirm. The statistics will then show the data of the selected period.